If you’ve visited our website lately, you might notice that the Global Software, Inc. website has changed! We’ve completely redesigned it to better present our products and services to you. The changes include a fresh new home page featuring an interactive slider that will take you directly to each page of interest. Additionally, featured stories and videos, as well as the latest news on Global Software, Inc. will be hosted on the home page.
Customer/partner communication has been streamlined by the simplicity of the portal log-ins. To access the customer/partner portals, simply click the “Log In” panel at the top of the home page and the log-in box will drop down. The log-in box has buttons that connect partners and customers to our various social media ventures.
Our product page has also been completely made over so it’s easier to navigate and select specific products. Each product will have its own interactive page with case studies, video testimonials, PDF downloads, and software requirements.
Come visit soon and send us your feedback!